Monday, January 29, 2007

newborn lucas & big 2-year old bro ronin

guest commentator: monica

is it just me or are there a ton of birthdays in january? on friday, we met another newborn relative of our's, lucas, at 10 days old. according to our ate (pronounced: AH-teh; tagalog address for older sis/female relative of same generation), lucas is very quiet... when he's sleeping. how amazing it is to see the spitting image of his older brother, ronin, who celebrated his 2nd birthday that same afternoon. it's like deja vu...

on the other hand, the rest of the kids at ronin's bday party were the opposite of quiet. as you can see from the images below, these kids had a great time, especially with all of ronin's toys. and i'm sure ronin's parents had a great time cleaning up as well! =)

happy birthday to both lucas & ronin!

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