Saturday, April 7, 2007

A couple more pics

okay, so i'm kinda excited about my new borders (sorta testing it out too) to make sure that all the bugs in my actions and scripts are out.

i'm usually driving around a lot so whenever we hit traffic, we like to play around with the camera to make the time go by faster. of course keeping in mid that safety is first. ; )

sorry sid - i was digging in my files and found this exactly one year ago. i was giving by bro-in-law a cut. he wanted to be bald, so we decided to see how creative we can get before cutting all of it off. funny stuff. again, sorry sid. = )


happy easter, everyone!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

phoon pics (another one)

yet another great phoon pic of monica on top of a bridge that requires more energy to use than to jump and swim across. can you just imagine having babies to carry with you? it'll be impossible to cross that thing. the structural engineer needs to get fired for creating something like this. though i do have to give the designer some credit because it makes for a wonderful phoon pic.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

monica being... something.

okay... i got in trouble by monica so i had to take the video down. if you want to see it, please just email me and i'll give you a link ; )

2004 photos from my first digital camera

i was looking at a folder labeled "Needs Sorting" and wondered "hmmm... i wonder what needs sorting." so i open it up and low and behold. some pics from 2004... it would be a crime not to post it up.

monica and i went to universal studios, ca - taking pics with cardboard cutouts

monica always tends to have pics of her eating... and what's up with taking pics of toes? what's that about?

a sweet pic of monica and i. monica pretending she's a dolpin. me in a penguin egg.

something that looks like a butt and two fingers. good one sid.